Form submission: BGN Discord Appeal

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Discord name: spec

What Discord are you banned from?: Brads Factions & Brads Network

Apology & Why you should be unbanned: I was banned about three years ago because of actions I made while I was under the influence of  alcohol and severely depressed my actions where something that has stuck with me hiding in the back of my mind ever since it happened but even with the excuse of that and the lacking evidence I accepted my perm ban but if the this server can give me a second chance I will use that second chance to atone my sines and apologise to lukey luck something and apologise to his team his friend and I hope that I may be given that chance I’m sorry if this message sounds corny but I mean every word of it and would love to rejoin my old friends in pd and everyone else-I’ve got no idea if any of my old friends still play
From spec 
p/s I miss brads very much

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